Is eating between meals really so bad? Not necessarily. In fact, many experts
in nutrition say that snacking is important for children, especially younger and active
children. Kids burn up calories faster than adults; but at the same time, children
usually eat less than adults at mealtimes because their stomachs ate smaller. So
children actually need to have snacks between meals.
But whether snacking is good or bad is really according to what you snack on. If
you reach for cookies, candy, and potato chips, you just fill up on empty calories.
And because these junk foods ate high in sugar and fat, they ate more likely to spoil
Your appetite for your next meal. You’ll eat less, and thus you may not get the
Nutrients you need.
Does all this mean that you should never eat another candy bar, swear off
hamburgers forever, or never let a potato chip touch your lips? Not at all. It just
means that you should keep a careful eye on what you eat-and avoid eating too
much junk food. If you’ getting the nutrients you need from healthy foods like
fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals, you’ll have room in your diet for a
candy bar or a few potato chips occasionally. The important thing is not to overdo
necessarily 必定;必然地
nutrition 營養,滋養 營養物,滋養物,食物 營養學
calories 卡路里
stomachs 胃 肚子,腹部 (常用於否定句)食慾,胃口;慾望,志趣
potato chips 炸馬鈴薯片,洋芋片,
appetite 食慾,胃口 慾望,愛好
spoil 損壞;糟蹋;搞遭 寵壞,溺愛
swear 發誓,宣誓 咒罵,罵髒話
grain cereals 五穀穀物
occasionally 偶爾,間或